Chilf Mária
Munkák Önéletrajz Kiállítások Katalógus Kapcsolat
hun eng 
EARLY INSTALLATIONS 1992 - 1997< back
On Every Line, 1998
On Every Line, 1998      object   I   plastic, metal, wood (oar), glass, water   I    110x60x50 cm
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Blue mattress pumps are stuck into the holes of a perforated wooden suitcase, 9 pumps on each side. A double-sided photo in a plastic bag is attached to the handle of the suitcase. The photo depicts African daisies pierced through a cardboard sheet from the front and behind.
Exhibited: 1998 in the exhibition of Derkovits Scholarship-holders at the Ernst Museum in Budapest; 1999 in the exhibition, Kunst der neunziger Jahre in Ungarn, at the Akademie der Künste in Berlin.
On Every Line, 1998